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Neolithic sites in the area Cineam


Neolithic sites in the area Cineam

Suasana Pedesaan - Neolithic is one chapter of the era of history characterized by revolutionary technological development compared to the previous period. A special feature of neolithic artifacts is stripping technology. Prominent neolithic artifacts in the form of pickaxe and stone bracelets Neolithic sites in Indonesia that have been researched and provided very important data in cultural exposures are limited to settlement sites and sites of agitation. In Indonesia the distribution of neolithic sites is still very limited.

Workshop sites were obtained, among others in the areas of Bungamas (South Sumatra), Karangnunggal (cineam Tasikmalaya, West Java), Pasir Kuda (Bogor), Karangbolong Mountains (Kedu, Central Java), Punung (Pacitan, East Java), and Purbalingga (Central Java) ) Research on workshop sites that have been intensively carried out is in 19 Purbalingga workshop sites and hundreds of neolithic sites in Punung, namely Bomoteleng. The results of research so far have been able to provide an explanation of the aspects of workshop behavior on these sites (Simanjuntak, 1992: 124 -125).

The results of research on neolithic sites are still very limited to be able to provide a complete account of neolithic Indonesia in general and West Java in particular. Cineam Aspects that are often discussed in full in neolithic Indonesia are technological aspects, while for social aspects social life and dating are still very weak (Simanjuntak, 1992: 125). Efforts to produce the best work in exposing Indonesian neolithic life have been carried out. Some neolithic sites have been known to be absolute.

The Sulawesi regions are Minanga Sipakko, Malawa, Maros, and Leang Tuwo Mane'e. The four sites show p dated between 3500-3800 BP. As for the West Kalimantan area on the Liang Kawung Site, it shows a date of 3030 ± 180 BP and the Nangabalang site dates to 2550 ± 100 BP. Both sites are one type of finding in the form of pickaxe (Simanjuntak, 2011: 45 -46). Cineam research is also carried out in the east of Sulawesi, namely in the Malayan Islands, showing a date of 3300 BP-3150 BP with cultural products in the form of red slippery pottery associated with pork and mollusc bones. : 47 -49) Neolithic in Sumatra Island located in Bukit Arat Site, Kerinci shows dated 1650-800 BC with the findings of pottery fragments mixed with obsidian chips, other stones and grindstones. Other sites Continent of Rivet, Pasemah,

South Sumatra shows the date 1550 BC with findings in the form of pottery, pickaxe, and human bones (Simanjuntak, 2011: 48). Cineam neolithic sites on Java Island are in Ponjen, Purbalingga, Central Java. The date on the site is 5570 ± 210 BP with mixed cultural products and pickaxes stone. The site is a workshop. Locations on other Jawayang Island in Song Keplek, Punung, East Java show dates of 3260 ± 110 BP, cultural products in the form of plain pottery and pickaxe and Kendenglembu sites, Jember with dates of 1332 ± 35 BP.

The cultural products such as red slip pottery, shale tools, slats, half-pickaxe, and belincung (NoerwididanPriyanto, 2011: 50 - 52). Neolithic sites in western Java, including in the Karangnunggal Tasikmalaya area, Sukabumi area, Maja, Lebak, Bogor, Bandung area, and Cineam Tasikmalaya area. Cineam area is an intensive area carried out research by the Bandung Archaeological Center team. The Cineam area is in the east side of Tasikmalaya Regency.

Research results from 2011 - 2013 showed a trace of neolithic activity in warped pickaxes on several sites. The political sites in this region are the Site of the Tombs of Mausoleum, Pasirwangi, Sindangsari, Blok Negla, Sukabakti, and Pasirgadung. In the western part of Java there are also some neolithic sites that have not been known with certainty. The western part of the neolithic site is a workshop site so that the aspects studied are limited to technological aspects.

Based on data obtained on the neolithic site in western Java especially in the Cineam area, this paper will reveal other aspects, namely the placement of neolithic sites in the Cineam region and any factors behind the site pattern neolithic site in the Cineam region. Layout patterns and underlying factors are expected to provide clues about human behavior in utilizing space (natural environment) for their activities. The problems raised are solved by using quantitative and quantitative analysis. In processing the data regarding the location of the neolithic site is used as a reference to create a site distribution map. Suasana Pedesaan